Good Scientific Practice & Research Integrity

July 15, 2024

Topic: academic skills
Provider: Graduierten-Akademie (GRADUS)

Time: July 15 – 16, 2024
  July 15, 2024, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
July 16, 2024, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Lecturer: Prof. Tobias Schmohl (Professor of Higher Education and Media Didactics (OWL University of Applied Sciences), Scientific Director of the Learning Center Lemgo, Postdoc at the Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning).
Event language: English
This continuing education course is aimed at : Doctoral researchers
CreditPoints: 1 credit point
Meeting mode: online
Venue: University of Stuttgart
The participants will receive the access-link and all necessary infomation one day before the seminar.
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Support you in conduct your research following principles of good research practice and research integrity.

This online training program will enable you to develop knowledge of main issues and concepts of research integrity and support you in developing specific competences necessary to conduct your research following principles of good research practice and research integrity. The principles and practices outlined in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ECoC) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) underpin the content of the training and constitute the main reference point for supporting good research practices. The training takes a virtue-based approach and aims at cultivating intrinsic motivations to engage in good research practices and providing the expertise to foster the same attitude in others. At the same time, the training aims at discussing case studies from scientific practice. The relevant legal, scientific-ethical and procedural aspects will be critically analyzed and evaluated. After having completed the course, PhD candates will have derived interdisciplinary guidelines for good scientific practice and for counteracting plagiarism and scientific misconduct. Other focal points are collaboration in working groups and the safeguarding and storage of primary data. The online materials are designed for further studying the issues addressed, and will enable PhD candidates to identify with their own aspirations and motives as a researcher. The training will entail interactive, reflective and problem-solving group activities.

Learning results:

After completing this training, you will be able to...

  • distinguish between responsible conduct of research, research misconduct, and questionable research practices and link this to principles of good scientific practice;
  • understand and apply principles of good scientific practice in the context of their discipline(s);
  • develop knowledge and skills to apply and adapt exercises that help researchers to cultivate scientific virtues while reflecting on concrete cases and dilemmas;
  • develop a predisposition to cultivate virtues, and know how to act upon those virtues in concrete situations and complex moral dilemmas;
  • recognize scientific misconduct on the basis of scientific ethical values and to actively avoid it in their own work;
  • identify and formulate generally applicable principles of scientific goodness criteria, which can be specified for individual disciplines as needed, at various stages of the preparation of research papers;
  • critically reflect on conflicting goals in the planning and implementation of their research projects and independently develop strategies for honest scientific work.


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