Your path to getting started at the University of Stuttgart

Onboarding for new employees and newly appointed professors

You just started a new position at the University of Stuttgart? Congratulations and welcome aboard! On this page, you can explore your new place of work digitally and find information on where to get help if you need it.

Welcome aboard

Glad to have you here! First to welcome you on behalf of approximately 5,000 employees at the university are our Rector Prof. Wolfram Ressel and our Chancellor Anna Steiger. Take some time to look around and get to know the MS University of Stuttgart. Learn about the when, where and how of your journey with us. We hope it’s all smooth sailing!

Personal greeting from the Rector Prof. Dr. Wolfram Ressel


Please see Video transcription for English translation.

Video transcription

Mission statement and strategy of the University of Stuttgart

Intelligent systems for a sustainable society

Vision of the University of Stuttgart

Organization and structure of the University of Stuttgart

Explore the organization and structure of the University of Stuttgart through this slideshow with commentary prepared by the department for staff development. The audio track will play when you open the PowerPoint file in presentation mode.


This is the video version of a PowerPoint file with German audio track. For an English translation see the video transcription.

Video transcription

University glossary

Administrative bulletins (Rundschreiben der Verwaltung)
Internal regulations and announcements from the administration.
The campus management system of the University of Stuttgart is called C@MPUS. Through this system, employees have access to an organizational chart, a search function for contacts and facilities as well as a room search with allocation schedules.
Central Administration (ZV)
The divisions of the Central Administration support research and teaching at the university. Service facilities, including student, personnel, legal, finance and budgetary affairs, in-house IT, building operations and more, keep things running smoothly by supporting research funding, international relations and services for international scholars.
Conceptboard is a digital collaboration tool that works as a virtual whiteboard to facilitate cooperation in teaching through visualization.
eduroam (Wi-Fi)
Employees can use their university account to connect to the eduroam Wi-Fi network in all University of Stuttgart buildings and at a large number of educational and scientific institutions around the world.
Employee newsletter
Employees receive a weekly email with announcements from the university: Research insights, administrative information, events. All announcements are also published on a daily basis through the employee newsfeed on the employee homepage.
Evermood: Digital individual counseling
The University of Stuttgart encourages you to reach out for help when you face conflict, hardship or anxiety. Through Evermood, you have access to information and contact persons – online, in person or anonymously – you decide what works best for you.
Forms list (Formularschrank)
A list of commonly used administrative forms, sorted by topic.
There is no employee intranet at the University of Stuttgart. You can find most of the information you need on these “For employees” websites, which are openly accessible online. Access to some information and forms is restricted to the “Uni-Intern” site, which can only be opened when connected to the university network or through VPN.
Knowledge management (Confluence)
Atlassian Confluence is used to facilitate digital collaboration, knowledge management and documentation at the University of Stuttgart.
Lecture hall allocation / room bookings
Most rooms at the University of Stuttgart are allocated via form provided through a central service. Some rooms can only be booked by contacting the relevant institute. Availability information for specific rooms is accessible through C@MPUS, our campus management system.
Mailing lists
You can subscribe to Listserv mailing lists to keep up with organizational announcements from Building Operations and IT, administration bulletins, official announcements or the list of reclaimable equipment.
Mensa card
The State of Baden-Württemberg offers university employees in possession of a Mensa card a daily allowance of €1.50 for meals at canteens, restaurants and cafeterias operated by the Studierendenwerk (student services organization).
Official announcements
Rules and regulations of a legal nature. This includes statutes, examination regulations and terms of use.
Standard onboarding process
Your manager is unsure about which onboarding measures are necessary? There is a checklist available for you to work through together.
Stuttgart University Library (UB)
Literature services: The Stuttgart University Library supports you with library loans, research, procurement, electronic resources, publications and university bibliography.
Technical Services for Information and Communication (TIK)
The IT service facility of the University of Stuttgart (formerly called Computing Center) offers digital services for your workspace as well as for research, teaching and collaboration. Users can also contact us for advice and technical support.
University Communications
University Communications offers support for public relations, scientific communication and event management, and provides information about corporate design, accessibility and language guidelines at the University of Stuttgart.
Video conferencing: Webex and alfaview
The University of Stuttgart provides licenses for two video conferencing services: Cisco Webex is used for events and everyday meetings. Confidential meetings are kept secure by alfaview, which is hosted in Germany.
To access restricted content from outside the university, you need a VPN client.



Personnel development

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 24D, 70174 Stuttgart


Appointment management

Keplerstraße 7, 70174 Stuttgart


Dual Career Program

Keplerstr. 7, 70174 Stuttgart

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