Overview of authorizations in C@MPUS
The use of individual applications and application areas in C@MPUS is linked to certain roles and the respective authorizations. If you find that you cannot call up or find an area or an application in C@MPUS, it may be because you do not have the relevant authorization. In the "My Authorizations" app, you can see which authorizations are currently assigned to you. If you take over tasks from someone, you can compare their authorizations with yours.
The following table provides an overview of the authorizations and roles in C@MPUS, including information on how to request any authorizations you may be missing.
Roles and authorizations in room administration
Assignment of roles by:
- C@MPUS support (email)
- Processing room requests
- Processing administrator and organizational bookings
- Blocking rooms (only permitted for employees with an administrator profile)
Roles and authorizations in exam administration
Assignment of roles by:
- Module coordinators / Division 3
- Information and forms can be found on the Division 3 website for examiners
- View and edit theses (authorized persons in the field of thesis management)
- Manage exam dates and characteristics
- Create new decentralized examination dates for various examination types
- View and correct exams (within the deadline)
Assignment of roles by:
- Module coordinators / Division 3
- Information and forms can be found on the Division 3 website for examiners
- View and edit theses
- Manage exam dates and characteristics
- Create new decentralized examination dates for various examination types
- View and correct exams / grades (within the deadline)
- Assessing exams / grades
- Print exam protocols
- Validate assessments
Roles and authorizations in module and study program management
Assignment of roles by:
- Division 3 - Students' Affairs
- Information and forms can be found on the Division 3 website for module coordinators.
- Add/change examination planning objects (PPO) and examination dates (PT) via "My modules"
- Assignment of courses to modules
- Create / change module descriptions
Assignment of roles by:
- Division 3 - Students' Affairs
- Registration via the online form of Division 3 for registration of student advisory service, internship office and study program management.
- Save semester recommendations in "own" study programs for examinations and course offers
- Add or change examination planning objects (PPO) and examination dates (PT) in "own" study programs via "My modules"
- Call up certain exports via "Evaluations/Exports" with the data of your "own" study programs
Roles and authorizations in course administration
Assignment of roles by:
- Division 1 / Division 3 - Students' Affairs
- Role of administrator for specific rooms
- Authorizations for courses offered by your own organization
- Participant management
- Changes to the course status
- Course (LV) categories
- Amendable course (LV) descriptions
- Cancel course (LV) dates
- Create course (LV) dates
- Authorizations for creating courses (LV)
- Assignment of persons
- Define ILIAS course scenarios (in C@MPUS)
Assignment of roles by:
- Course timetable coordinators
- Authorizations for own courses (LV)
- Participant administration
- Authorizations for your ILIAS courses (in ILIAS)
- Cancel course (LV) dates
Assignment of roles by:
- Course timetable coordinators
- Authorizations for own courses (LV)
- Participant management
- Authorizations for own ILIAS courses (in ILIAS)
- Define ILIAS course scenarios (in C@MPUS)
- Course (LV) categories
- Amendable course (LV) descriptions
- Cancel course (LV) dates
Division 3 - Students' Affairs
- Further information
- Point of contact for questions relating to the organization of study programs and teaching.