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Search available rooms (app)

C@MPUS documentation for employees

Search for available rooms, resources, room and building floor plans and book rooms for specific dates.

If you are looking for a room (or a room with specific features), you can search for free resources using the “Search for Free Rooms” app. You can use the search template to narrow down your search and define it more precisely. You then have the option of booking the desired room.

Search template of the app "Search for free rooms"
Search template of the app "Search for free rooms"

Setting options for the search template


  • Series type: You can choose between booking individual, daily or weekly dates. The default setting is weekly.
  • Series start: You can enter the start date on which the event begins here or select the correct date by clicking on the calendar. The default setting is the current date. For individual bookings, you only need to specify the day.
  • End of series: Here you have the choice of specifying the number of dates or the end date.
  • Frequency: Here you can set the frequency of the event depending on the series type. For daily bookings, please select the days of the week on which the event takes place.


For the time, you can choose whether you want to search for free rooms at a fixed time or just enter an approximate time and search for a room that is free for the duration of the appointment.


  • Here you can specify which criteria the room itself must fulfill. Please note, however, that the narrower your selection, the fewer available rooms you will find.

    • Organization: The default setting is "all". You can also use the drop-down menu to select individual organizations that manage rooms, or to search for organizations.
    • Category: Here you can search for all room types or restrict the search to specific rooms (e.g. meeting rooms, lecture halls or laboratories).
    • Building area: Here you can specify the location or building area in which you are looking for a room (e.g. a room only in the city center / Stadtgarten area).
    • Building: If you only want to search for a room in a specific building, you can select the desired building.
    • Seats: If restrictions have already been placed on the room type or the room location, you will only be shown a limited number of seats.
    • Equipment: Here you can choose whether you need specific equipment or features (beamer, slide projector or microphone)
    • Rooms I can book: By ticking this box, you will only be shown rooms that you can book yourself.

Further options

This gives you the option of extending or narrowing down the search by ticking the box.

  • Course (LV) free: If you check this box, searches will include weekends, public holidays, and vacation periods. This option must be selected, for example, for block courses that also take place on Saturdays. Otherwise you will not get any hits!
  • Requested dates: If you select this option, rooms will also be displayed for which there are already requests from others that have not yet been entered as fixed dates.
  • Degree of Fulfillment: With this option, you can specify whether to include rooms that are already occupied on specific dates in your search results. The default value is 75 %. This means that rooms are also listed in which a few of the dates might overlap. A fulfillment level of 100% means that all appointments in the searched room should be free.

Search results and further functions

Search results "search for available rooms"
Search results "search for available rooms"

Search results

You will receive a list of search results showing available rooms with the dates you have specified.

Clicking on the small gray triangle to display a more detailed hourly view of the desired booking period for the respective resource.

The following information is also displayed:

  • Room code: The short code for the room. This is devised from the room location. Click on the link to access the room's calendar. The room calendar opens in a new window and shows the occupancy for all selected appointments.
  • Additional designation
  • Address: The room address. Clicking on the link will take you to the building plan, where the location of the room is marked with a red dot.
  • AD (equipment details): Equipment details. This takes you to an overview with various room data, such as address, room type, users, physical properties, and additional information.
  • Organization: The number of the organizational unit that is stored as the room operator. Click on the number to access the operator's business card.
  • KP (contact person): Contact person. If a special administrator has been registered for the room, they will receive the room booking request for processing.
  • Bookable: You can book this room.
  • Bookings: The availability of the individual rooms is displayed.
    • Green means that the room is free for the entire search period,
    • Orange indicates that part of the selected period overlaps with another event,
Red indicates that the room is already occupied at the selected time. By clicking on "Action", you can display a more detailed hour-by-hour overview to view the booking conflict in more detail if necessary.

Room and building floor plans

To view rooms or entire floors, click on the address link of the respective rooms. This takes you to the floor plan on which the room is located. The location of the room you are looking for is marked with a red dot by default. 

You can perform various actions and select displays using the menu ribbon at the top:

  • Create a list: This provides a list view of the rooms on the floor, incl. a detailed view of individual rooms (click on room code). Further views are displayed via the ribbon at the top:
    • Display: "Display on plan" lists only those rooms on the selected floor; "organization’s own rooms" lists all the rooms of your own organization.
    • Multiple use: If several room users are stored for the rooms, these can either be combined or listed separately. The column "Main User" can be added to the list. The main users are the organizations that have a share of more than 50% in the respective room. If your organization is the main user, this is marked with a "J". "N" means there is another main user.
    • Sorting: You can sort the list by room number, organization, or usage.
    • Action: Depending on your authorizations, you have the option of exporting the list to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Download plans: You can also save the plans as a png graphic under "Download plans".
  • All rooms: View all rooms on the floor.
  • View: You can display various details (e.g. room number, area, associated organization) for one or more rooms using the drop-down list under "View".

Book rooms

Rooms are booked in C@MPUS by creating appointments.

Click on the room link in the "Room code" column in the results list to access the calendar for the relevant resource. Click on the button "+ new booking". This opens the "Booking details" window, where you can create a new booking. You can choose between individual bookings or a series of bookings. Depending on your authorization, you can also request a new, personal booking here.




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