IT and Communication

From email and telephone to OpenCms, software licenses, and tools for online surveys: EDV and communication services for employees.

Ordering essays (LEA)

Employees and students can have essays and excerpts from books in the university collection delivered electronically free of charge through the LEA local electronic essay delivery service at the University Library (UB).

Contact: UB

AV media studio

Lecturers at the University of Stuttgart can record and edit their lectures or e-learning videos in high quality and make them available online (ILIAS).

Contact: TIK

Consulting (IT-Services)

The TIK offers institutes and facilities a wide range of services.
Arrange a consultation appointment with us.

Contact: TIK

Service announcements

The TIK – Technical Information and Communication Services – provides announcements about maintenance work and fault reports in a service announcements channel. Currently available in German only.

Contact: TIK

Application system JoinUS

On JoinUS you can find jobs for PhD students, postdocs and trainees. Interested parties can apply directly via the web application. The system enables professional digitized application support.

Contact: Vice Rectorate for Information Technology


The university’s bibliography includes publications from members of the University of Stuttgart. The system used for this purpose is called PUMA.

Contact: UB

Library services

All services at Stuttgart University Library (UB) are listed in the Library ABC at the UB. Regardless of whether you have an acquisition request, literature research inquiries, license questions, or require publication support - the library has the right service for you.

Contact: UB


The Campus Management Portal provides continuous IT Support for the administrative processes involved in the student life cycle.

Contact: TIK


DaRUS is the place to archive, share and publish the research data, scripts and codes of the members and partners of the University of Stuttgart.

Contact: TIK


The TIK offers a database hosting service to the institutions of the university for use for official purposes.

Contact: TIK

Backup Service

Institutes and facilities of the University of Stuttgart have the possibility to centrally store backup data from their server and workstation computers.

Contact: TIK

Digital invoice workflow

The University of Stuttgart receives invoices exclusively electronically. A central digital invoice workflow has been set up for this purpose with special requirements.

Contact: D52 Finanzbuchhaltung und Universitätskasse

Digital travel management

Business trip requests are created electronically by employees at the University of Stuttgart via the Personnel Service System.

This will be extended to include electronic travel expenses reports in 2024.

Contact: D5

Document digitization

You can request the digitization of documents, chapters, and books at the University Library (UB).

Contact: UB

E-books, e-journals

The University Library (UB) provides access to a variety of electronic resources including databases, e-journals, and e-books.

Contact: UB


Members of the Universität Stuttgart are automatically assigned their own e-mail address. In addition to the regular accounts, functional addresses can also be requested.

Contact: TIK

Electronic time logs

Working hours are logged electronically for employees in Central Administration and university departments. The system is also used to log vacation and requests for flexible working hours.

Contact: TIK / ZV

Explainer videos (Simpleshow)

Simpleshow makes it easy to create lightweight explainer videos for complex subjects. The university has a limited number of individual licenses that can be temporarily allocated as needed.

Contact: D7

File Service

Facilities and institutes of the Universität Stuttgart can store data on the servers of the TIK. Access is via the CIFS (SMB) protocol and, on request, NFS.

Contact: TIK

Research Information System FIS

The research information system FIS is the university's current research information system (CRIS). It includes project descriptions, lists of who was involved, and publications. It is used to display third-party funded projects and records current research calls for tender.

Contact: D1 Research

Wifi Internet guest access

The ESSID "uni-stuttgart-open" provides Wifi-based Internet access for invited guests of the University of Stuttgart.

Contact: TIK

Identity management (SIAM)

Via our central identity management all members and affiliates of the Universität Stuttgart receive a uniform, personal and university-wide user account. The access authorization to most IT services is connected to the identity management.

Contact: TIK

Information security (RUS-CERT)

The Information Security Department (RUS-Cert) is responsible for IT and information security at the University of Stuttgart. As one of the chancellor's staff positions, it reports directly to the university administration. As the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), it is, among other things, the central reporting and coordination point for information security incidents.

Contact: RUS-Cert

Desktop Management

With the IT desktop management, the central administration and other institutions receive full support for their workplace computers from the TIK.

Contact: TIK

Desktop Management (Teleworking)

The TIK provides the virtual desktop infrastructure and the necessary hardware and software for the tele working central administration.

Contact: TIK

Application Management

The TIK hosts many specialist applications. We support the administrative facilities in all technical questions during selection, procurement, introduction, further development and the interfaces to other systems.

Contact: TIK

Conference Services

For conferences and other events, participants without eduroam identification will receive wireless Internet access via the conference WiFi.

Contact: TIK

Short URL

For print media or your support communication, you can request individual short URLs for important web pages using the formula

Contact: TIK

LAN (wired network access)

The Universität Stuttgart provides you with wired access to the university network and Internet on campus and at your workplace.

Contact: TIK


Webbasierte Rechercheplattform für Software und innovative Lösungen für den öffentlichen Sektor mit KI- Unterstützung. Mit MIRA verbessern Sie den Prozess und die Ergebnisse Ihrer vergaberechtskonformen Markterkundungen und schaffen damit die Grundlage für öffentliche Vergaben, bei denen fortschrittliche Lösungen im Sinne Ihrer Organisation zum Zuge kommen können.

Contact: Zentrale Beschaffung

Mailing lists and newsletter (overview)

An overview of topic-based newsletters that you can subscribe to, and notifications from administration, facilities and institutes can be found on the mailing list page (on campus net / via VPN only).

Contact: ZV


With the central mailrelay service your e-mail traffic is protected from viruses and spam.

Contact: TIK


Applications for staff mobility by teaching and administrative staff are submitted via Mobility-Online. Participants receive the link and further information after being nominated by the International Office.

Contact: D2 International Office

User Certificates

Employees of the University of Stuttgart can apply for personal certificates via the web interface.

Contact: TIK

Online Survey

Members of the University of Stuttgart have the possibility to create and evaluate computer­based surveys for teaching and research purposes.

Contact: TIK

OpenAccess publications (OPUS)

OPUS is the publication server (the institutional repository) at the University of Stuttgart. All members of the University of Stuttgart can publish documents of lasting interest for research and teaching here online, in line with Open Access procedures.

Contact: UB

Poststelle (mailroom)

The Mail Service is responsible for mailing and receiving letters and packages, as well as letter and package distribution within the university.

Contact: D7 Internal Services

Process management (Picture)

Picture is the process management portal of the University of Stuttgart for the documentation of internal university processes.

Contact: D7 Process development

Server Certificates

Certificates for servers in the institutions and facilities of the Universität Stuttgart can be applied for via the web interface.

Contact: TIK

Sichere Passwörter

Empfehlungen, wie Sie sichere Passwörter für personenbezogene Accounts und Accounts im Team erstellen und verwalten finden Sie bei der Stabsstelle IT-Sicherheit.

Contact: RUS-CERT

Software and licenses

Via the TIK, members of the Universität Stuttgart can obtain software within the scope of campus and state licenses as well as special licenses.

Contact: TIK

Appointment survey with DFNTerminplaner

To schedule appointments, commercial scheduling tools should be avoided for privacy reasons. The university recommends the free “DFNTerminplaner” (also known as “Foodle”). The University of Stuttgart is a member of the Deutsches Forschungsnetz (DFN), a network of German research institutions.

Contact: Deutsches Forschungsnetz (DFN)

University library (UB)

With locations in the city center and in Vaihingen and its 116 institute and faculty libraries, the University Library forms the library system at the University of Stuttgart. The UB offers a wide range of electronic services for borrowing, research, publishing, and composing bibliographies.

Contact: UB

Lecture Recordings (Opencast)

Members of the Universität Stuttgart have the opportunity to record their events in the lecture hall or from home and make them available online to participants.

Contact: TIK

Video conferencing (Cisco Webex)

Members of the University of Stuttgart can hold video conferences using Cisco Webex. Furthermore, they can use the DFNconf service.

Contact: TIK

Video conference room

A fully equipped video conference room is available at the University Library on Campus Vaihingen. This can be used for conducting video conferences.

Contact: UB

Virus protection (G DATA Antivirus)

Endpoint Protection Software is provided to all employees of the University of Stuttgart for the secure operation of work computers and servers.

Contact: TIK

Wi-Fi (eduroam)

Members of all universities participating in the Educational Roaming (eduroam) initiative receive free WLAN at the University of Stuttgart.

Contact: TIK

Web domain and website policy

The web domain and website policy regulates the allocation and conversion of web domains and the online presence of university-owned and cross-university units as well as information providers.

Contact: HKOM

Web Hosting (OpenCms)

As a content management system, the TIK offers OpenCms to institutions of the University of Stuttgart, for the design of their websites.

Contact: TIK

Web hosting

For special purposes and after appropriate approval, web servers without OpenCms can be hosted on the TIK.

Contact: TIK Whitepaper on digitalization

“ – Digital Transformation of Administrative Processes at Universities” is a framework concept for the collaborative digital transformation of administrative processes at Baden-Württemberg's universities. Think tanks produce white papers on issues affecting university operations.


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