Together against sexism and sexual harassment

November 5, 2021

The University of Stuttgart has signed the “Together against sexism and sexual harassment” declaration promoted by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, and by doing so has made a statement against discrimination and for an open and equal society.

There is no place at this university for sexism, meaning belittling or violating somebody or abusing one’s position on the basis of gender. We are implementing a zero-tolerance policy“, says Prof. Silke Wieprecht, Vice Rector for Diversity and International Affairs at the University of Stuttgart. “We are therefore fully committed to the joint declaration against sexism and sexual harassment, which corresponds with the basic principles of our Code of Conduct. Making equal opportunities a reality in studies, science and society is both an obligation and a challenge for us at the same time. We are committed to treating one another with respect at our places of work and learning, and we reject any form of discrimination.”

The declaration “Together against sexism and sexual harassment” [de] as well as a guideline containing 30 effective measures to combat sexism has been produced by the “Dialog Forums against Sexism” (Dialogforen gegen Sexismus), which was run by the Federal Ministry for Women together with EAF Berlin, the European Academy for Women in Politics and Business. A number of organizations and figures from business, politics, media, culture and civil society see it as the duty of society at large to prevent and end sexism and sexualized violence in all its forms. All those who signed the declaration [de] have agreed to work on prevention and increasing awareness as well as other aspects.

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