The survey among supervisors is being conducted for the first time as part of the introduction of a quality assurance system in the area of doctoral degree studies at the University of Stuttgart (QUSProm). The aim is to gain insights into how supervisors perceive the framework conditions in doctoral degree study programs and how satisfied they are with the conditions of supervision.
“Good supervision is a time-consuming task that is challenging both professionally and personally. Performing this task responsibly is essential for a thriving work and study culture in doctoral degree study programs,” says Prof. Manfred Bischoff, Vice Rector for Research and Early Career Researchers. He points out: “This makes the supervisors’ perspective all the more important for us. What is already going well from their point of view, and where do they still see potential for improvement in the framework conditions of doctoral degree studies? It is a key element of our participatory approach to hear the opinions of both the doctoral degree students and the supervisors.”
Topics of the survey
The topics of the survey among supervisors were specified by the chairpersons of the doctoral committees of all faculties within the framework of a working group led by Vice Rector Manfred Bischoff. “In addition to the topics of selection and recruitment of doctoral degree students, types of doctoral degrees, financing, time allocation, and working conditions, the survey also includes the topics of supervision and support as well as conference attendance and research stays,” says Paul Maurer, who is a member of the QUSProm project at the Quality Development Unit. “We would also like to know from the supervisors what they consider to be the biggest challenges faced by doctoral degree students, how the supervisors assess the preparation of the doctoral degree students for academic careers and careers outside the university, and what kind of support is offered by science-supporting institutions,” adds his QUSProm colleague Dr. Cornelia Frank, Early Career Researchers Consultant at GRADUS.
A quality assurance tool
“Surveys are a key quality assurance tool. The answers of the respondents provide an important basis for the discussion about doctoral degree studies at the University of Stuttgart,” says Marlene Scherfer, Head of the Quality Development Unit. “Since we at GRADUS are more likely to get to know the doctoral degree students’ perspective, we are very curious about the supervisors’ point of view regarding doctoral degree studies at the University of Stuttgart in general and the supervision in particular,” adds Dr. Jürgen Hädrich, Head of GRADUS.
After the first survey among doctoral degree students was conducted during the summer semester of 2023, the focus is now on the supervisors’ perspective. “We hope that there will be an active participation in the survey. To us, each voice counts!”, the QUSProm team around Vice Rector Bischoff emphasizes.
The survey data will be evaluated by the QUSProm team and made available in anonymized form to the Rectorate, the faculties, and the science-supporting institutions. In this way, all those involved in doctoral degree studies will be able to use the results for their internal discussions.